Can A Cricket Bat Fit In A Suitcase?(Plus How To Protect It)

Suraj Bhoyar
Can a cricket bat fit in a suitcase?

When you're traveling from one place to another, especially when you are a cricket player or just started playing cricket as a beginner. One common problem every player faces in their journey is transporting their cricket bat from one place to another. 

In this post I am going to share with you how a cricket bat can fit in a suitcase, how can you travel with your cricket bat on a plane, cricket player's secret of how they carry their cricket bat without getting damaged, some additional tips for protecting your cricket bat. 

So let's jump to the topic:

Can a cricket bat fit in a suitcase?

Yes, a cricket bat can fit in a suitcase when the size of your suitcase is more than the dimensions of your cricket bat.

The dimensions of your cricket bat and the size of your suitcase decide if it fits or not. The common cricket bats are usually around 26 to 37 inches in length. So your suitcase should be long enough to take in the bat without damaging and bending it. But I don't know what the size of my suitcase is. Well, I am getting on that.

Generally, the size of the smallest suitcase (cabin suitcase) is 19 inches in length. And the size of the biggest suitcase (large suitcase) is 30 inches in length. 


Average suitcase sizes:-

Size Height Width Depth
Large 76cm / 30 inches48cm / 19 inches 29cm / 11 inches
Medium 67cm / 26 inches 45cm / 18 inches 25cm / 10 inches
Compact 63cm / 25 inches 36cm / 14 inches 21cm / 8 inches
Cabin 48cm / 19 inches 32cm / 13 inches 18cm / 7 inches

So you can very easily choose the suitcase according to your cricket bat and your bat will fit in the suitcase.

Can I take a cricket bat as hand luggage? 

No, you cannot take a cricket bat as hand luggage or cabin luggage on a flight. 

Cricket equipment such as cricket bats, gloves, wickets, helmets, spiked shoes, and other cricket equipment are not allowed in a flight. Because all these cricket equipment are considered weapons.

Can I carry a cricket bat in checked baggage?

Yes, you can carry a cricket bat into your checked baggage especially when you are traveling by commercial flight. 

However, it is essential to check the airline's policies that you are flying with. It depends on the airline to airline. They might have their specific rules and regulations for the transportation of sports equipment such as cricket bats.

You need to know the airline's sports equipment policy, additional charges, packaging safety, dimensions & weight restrictions, etc.

For your help, I have attached an Emirates Airline website link. You can check under the sports equipment category on their official website at the given link.

(Note: The policies regarding traveling with sports equipment depend from airline to airline.)

Can we carry a cricket bat on a flight? 

Well, the answer to this question is obviously yes, you can carry your cricket bat on a flight. 

But only in checked baggage, as I said earlier cricket equipment (including cricket bat) are generally not allowed in cabin luggage. However, it's crucial to check the airline's regulations and guidelines you are traveling with.

How do cricketers carry cricket bats for international trips without damaging them? 

Cricketers generally use specialized bat covers or cases to protect their bats during international trips. These cases are designed in such a way as to prevent damage and absorb the shocks.

Most often cricket players carry their bats as personal equipment. Ensure it is stored securely to avoid any potential damages.

Additional tips: (protect your bat from damage)

If you want to protect your bat well then you can use the following options:-

Use specialized bat covers

It gives additional protection to your cricket bat. It has an extra padded foam that protects your cricket bat from getting unnecessary scratches and bumps. It's a great solution for safekeeping requirements as you travel from one place to another. 

Choose a bat cover according to your bat size and specifically handle size.

DIY padding solutions

If you don't have enough money to spend on specialized bat covers then you can use this DIY padding solution.

To add padding to your cricket bat, you can consider using materials like bubbled foam or rubber strips. Cut them to the size of the bat and apply them to the edges of the bat with tape or adhesive for extra protection. Try to experiment with the thickness to find the right balance between added padding for maintaining your bat's performance.

Packing techniques

While packing your cricket bat, you should consider the following points in your mind.

  • Wrap the bat in bubble wrap
  • Secure it with tape
  • Add padding 
  • Place in a sturdy container
  • Fill empty places 
  • Seal the box securely 
  • Label the box as “fragile" 


In this post, we have firstly learned how to fit a cricket bat in a suitcase, and some questions regarding traveling with a cricket bat on a flight, after that, we learned how cricket players carry their bats without damaging them and finally we talked about some alternative ways to protect your cricket bat from damage during traveling on a flight.


I hope you will have got the solution to take your cricket bat in a suitcase or you will have got some other alternative ways for your cricket bat.

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