Top 5 Reasons Why Cricket Bats Are So Expensive

Suraj Bhoyar

Whenever we go to play cricket, the most important thing we need is the cricket bat. It doesn't matter where we are playing cricket, whether it is in big leagues, big tournaments, or just playing with friends for fun.

The thing that matters is the cricket bat. Everyone wants his own cricket bat. However, why are some bats expensive while others are more affordable?

To find the answer to this question, I did a lot of research. Through my research, I discovered something intriguing. In today's blog post, I am going to share with you the exact reasons why cricket bats are so expensive.

So without wasting your precious time, let's begin.

Top 5 Reasons Why Cricket Bats Are So Expensive

#1 Quality of Wood


Cricket bats are mainly made from English willow and Kashmir willow. English willow is the first choice of professional cricketers because of its excellent performance, lightweight feel, and power transfer.

On the other hand, Kashmir willow is more affordable than English willow. It also offers good performance. But both of these willows are limited in supply, as a result, the price of cricket bats has increased.

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#2 Role of Craftsmanship


From a large tree to a good quality cricket bat, it takes a long journey to be here. But they are not alone in this journey; they travel this journey with some people called craftsmen.

Craftsmen have a leading role in the process of making cricket bats, such as selecting good quality wood, shaping and pressing, bandel, balancing, and weight distribution, finishing and polishing, etc. All these need manual labour. Because of this, the overall cost of cricket bats increases.

#3 Brand Reputation

Brand reputation is the collection of judgments of a particular cricket bat by the people. When we think about a specific brand's cricket bat, we assume that it has excellent performance and long durability.

A good brand often invests in quality materials and advanced manufacturing techniques. A positive brand image can significantly impact consumers' purchasing decisions. Branded cricket bats are often promoted by advertising, claiming that their bats have the best quality.

Although the quality may not be best in all cases, in the majority of cases, it is good. Because we are paying for the name of that particular brand. They also have their showroom; it benefits them to stand ahead of all local brands. All this allows the brand to set premium prices.

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#4 Endorsement by Professional Players

It is very common to endorse cricket bats by professional players. The players are idols of the people. Those players are the aspiration of lots of people.

If they use a particular cricket bat, people are often inclined to purchase the same one. Because people believe that it can enhance their performance also just like their aspirations. This emotional connection and belief allow companies to increase the price of cricket bats.

#5 Market's Demand and Supply


This is another reason why the price of cricket bats is increasing. I don't want to make this idea too complex. In simple words, supply is the amount of cricket bats available in the market. On the other hand, demand is how many customers are available to buy cricket bats.

The price of a particular cricket bat increases if lots of people are available to buy it. The price of cricket bats goes down when many cricket bats are available but fewer people are buying. It is just like when something is very popular, the price goes higher, and when there is not much interest, the price may go lower.

The reason behind all this is that companies adjust their prices based on how much they can supply and how much people want.


At the beginning of this post, I said that some cricket bats are cheaper and some are expensive. In this blog post, you now understand why are cricket bats so expensive?

To summarize this, we have discussed the top five reasons why it is expensive. 1st the quality of wood, 2nd the hard work of craftsmen, 3rd brand reputation of cricket bat, 4th endorsement by professional players, and at last the demand and supply in the market. 

I hope you have got the answer to your question.

Sending you lots of love and thanks!

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